Leadership transformation and development

Are your goals scaring you enough?

What about life change?

Bereavements, relationship breakdowns, illness or health scares can all have a significant impact on how we see ourselves, our goals and our path to success.

Or perhaps you are setting your sights on something greater than yourself as you stand today and need to set a goal so big that you can’t achieve it until you grow into the person who can.

That’s what I do. I help build the you that you need to be, not the you that you are.

So how do you navigate through these life defining moments?

Each individual is unique. No two journeys are the same.

Every person I coach and every programme they undertake has been carefully balanced and planned to suit them personally.

To start, I ask a few questions to understand what has brought you to elite performance coaching as a solution.

Whether you are looking to achieve more from your career, your personal life, your individual pursuits or your sporting endeavours, the first step is to identify the person in front of me; which we do together.

I then tailor a bespoke programme of coaching and workshops which work to develop your emotional, mental and physical resilience that will equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to achieve excellence in all areas of your life.

How it works

Elite performance coaching is not for the faint hearted. It requires a commitment to work through what has held you back. It is not going to work via osmosis. It needs you to get your hands dirty, get out of your comfort zone and invest time in yourself.



Is carried out both face to face and over the phone. This isn’t light touch. Over the course of your programme, I will be your life, your greatest friend and, sometimes, your toughest critic.


Diagnostic Questionnaire

Before we start, you will carry out a diagnostic questionnaire. This allows me to assess your suitability for Elite Coaching and the best course for you.



We then meet for a face to face induction where we will plan out your bespoke programme, setting goals for the immediate, mid and long term.


Connect weekly

We will speak every week for at least an hour, but I am on hand via email and Messenger throughout the course of your programme.


Super charge sessions

Super charge sessions are also available throughout the programme for those days where you feel you need that extra charge of focus or inspiration.



Where family and team members are integral parts to your own journey, we can also discuss group and team dynamic workshops to ensure you are empowered and supported by those people who will help you navigate your way to your limitless self.

Want to start your own journey?

Set a goal so big that you can't achieve it until you grow into the person who can